Whystic Lodge is built in the style of an old Manor House. At least the start of it is! You see, the plan, if it's ever fully realized, is to create a huge rambling unending house with rooms upon rooms to explore. Of course, this will mean it will need teleports in it so that the geometry, images, effects, and features can be spread over many worlds instead of grinding the performance of one world to a halt. This also allows it to be built modularly. I want people to get lost in this space. And perhaps there will be secrets and puzzles.
I called it a Lodge, first, because I was looking for the feel of a place that would be comfortable to explore. If it were merely someone's huge house, poking around in such a place may feel invasive. It may feel even like you don't belong there. I want people to feel like they have a right to explore, like you might in a hotel.
That said, when I thought about the name, I thought about secret societies. The Mason's call their chapters Lodges. Other societities call their meeting halls "Chapter Houses", and sometimes provide rooms, like the YMCA does for people who want to stay awhile. That piqued my interest! If there ever will be puzzles, then it could be seen as a progression along a path. And entry to new spaces may happen by being put on a provate list. If you are able to prove you've solved the puzzle, then you elevate your standing, and gain deeper access. It's just a thought, and not yet a reality. But I hope it's worthwhile to write out the possibilites..
Whystic Lodge is currently one world that looks like a medieval hall in some respects. It has a couple of levels, a nice big fireplace, books to read, a board game to play, art to view, and a number of alcoves with comfortable furniture for more private conversations.
It also has some music playing. It's a freely available piece by Alexander Nakarada on his website. You can find other pieces of music he's written there. It carries a Creative Commons by Attribution License.
Other credits include:
Bear Model by
End Table Model by
Harp Model by
The art features a shakespeare portrait, which I put together using an actual Shakespeare portrait and a modified Altspace avatar head. The other two paintings are landscape screenshots from a couple of Altspace worlds that have been modified with cartoon filters.