PROJECT FOCUS: Whystic Lodge in Altspace
Yesterday, I found a harp on Sketchfab that had the right look for this room. I added some music to the harp: "Tavern Loop 1" by Alexander Nakarada that is available with a creative commons attribution license. Unfortunately, I am having troubles getting it to loop properly in Unity. It should just work, but I have never been able to master looping properly. I'll have to look into that.
I also modelled a game table and pieces to play the "L-Game". The game consists of two L-shaped pieces, and two marker pieces, which I made as goin coins. You can pick up the pieces in Altspace and place them where you like. A month or two ago, I researched games that could be played with as few as possible pieces to see if I could find something efficient to play in VR worlds. Chess and checkers, for example, have far too many pieces to manipulate and lag a world. I found two such games by physician, psychologist, author and inventor Edward de Bono. This is one of them. You can read about it on this Wikipedia page about the L-Game.