Yesterday in VR

2020-10-19: Pictures and Frames

PROJECT FOCUS: Whystic Lodge in Altspace

Yesterday, I made a picture frame in sketchup/blender. And then I spent some time figuring out what to put in these frames. I wanted to make sure the art I place in WHystic Lodge doesn't look too realistic or out of place. I thought I might take a couple of screenshots from other worlds in Altspace and then modify them somehow. It took a while, but I found a couple of nice landscape scenes. While the screeshot itself might be nice, I still wanted to have a painted effect. I usually use an online filter website called Lunapic for this kind of thing in other projects, but their effects are not what I was looking for this time. I wanted something more cartoony or digital arty, if you will. And so I went on a web crawl and found a new site called Befunky. It had some great digital art and toon effects. There were quite a lot of options. And this is what I came up with. These are the before and afters:

I've also been thinking about a Shakespeare portrait for a while now. I worked up an Altspace avatar using their controls that looked a bit like Shakespeare. He has a distinctively high forehead, which wasn't possible. So in inkscape, I made a shape that overlaid his forehead and painted it the same colour as his skin. That did the trick. I overlaid the Altspace head on top of an actual shakespeare portrait body, which I traced in inkscape. I had to redraw his collar as a shape to make it stand out properly. And then I took it into the Befunky filters and they added their magic.
