PROJECT FOCUS: Whystic Lodge in Altspace
I released Whystic Lodge to the world at large yesterday, posting it on facebook and in the Altsspace discord channel. I was happy to see people coming in.
Since it takes me a while to warm up to not feeling awkward talking in voice chat, I tend to try to hide myself away in some corner of the world as I watch visitors exploring. And then I feel like I must look like such a creep! So, I discovered something cool I could do. As a world owner, I automatically have flight and move-through-solid privileges. So I just put myself outside the world looking in from somewhere beyond. Since the walls are only one sided, I can look in, but I can't be seen through them, which are opaque on the inside. Then I can quietly enjoy visitors explorations without being a weird motionless staring (more often absent than not) sculpture.
Most of the time I'm in there ... I'm not even actually at my computer. I've just parked myself during real life chores and interests so that the world will appear in the Altspace "Popular" listing (which actually means ... populated ... as Daisy Shaw often points out). This way, I can keep it visible for a time for people to discover.
When I am there though, it's super interesting to see what people look at first, and in what patterns they move through the space. It's always informed me from a world building standpoint, to know what attracts people first, and then second, and what whether they take interest in the thigns I thought would be interesting.
Here are some shots of the Whystic Lodge:
But I did occasionally see other animals. I came across ducks, deer, goats (i love goats, but they're not easy to inside train :) ), birds, bees, and even an ardvark which I might use sometime. Salvidor Dali used to walk his pet Aardvark in downtown New York.